Rotor Tool AG

General Conditions of Sale and Delivery


Orders for items that are not directly available from stock will be confirmed in writing. Our confirmations are to check details and possible discrepancies and ask for a written response within two working days. Orders will be manufactured according to our confirmation. On consignments with a total goods value of less than CHF 300.00/Euro 200.00 net a processing charge of CHF 30.00/Euro 20.00 will be charged. Orders with total amount less than CHF 100.00/Euro 100.00 do not cause any discount.


Deliveries are invoiced in accordance with our latest price list. Prices are subject to change. Special designs are charged according to our offer or, if the price is not mentioned in the confirmation, by our accrued costs.


Goods are sold "ex works" and will be delivered at the purchaser's expense, risk and peril. Shipping costs will be charged separately. Transportation damage must be reported immediately to the responsible transport company.

Delivery Time

We will make every attempt to meet our quoted delivery time. The purchaser has no right to cancel the order due to any unforeseen delivery delay. 


Payments must be made without any deductions within 30 days net. Unauthorised discount deduction as well as any costs incurred by us such as bank fees will be recharged.

Notification of defects

Notification of any defects must be reported to us within 8 days from the receipt of the goods - 4 weeks for orders delivered to addresses outside Switzerland. 


For the manufacture of our tools we only use high-quality material. We guarantee them for the best quality and high standard. Should there be a defect in one of our tools as a result of a material or a hardining fault, we will replace the tool free of charge. This guarantee only applies for the replacement of the tool without any further compensation. Tools that break or are damaged due to normal wear and tear or due to excessive demand will not be replaced


We reserve the right and the ownership of the goods until payment in full been received. 

Legal Basis

The place for settlement of any legal disputes is Zurich, Switzerland. The laws of Switzerland shall be applicable. ROTOR TOOL GmbH shall also be entitled to bring legal action in the country that is the purchaser's principle place of business.